Article page (text)

Article page text elements and article part embed object, for base theme 2.

The article page contains text elements and embedded object like headline, preamble, images, videos. Also some metadata.

The page also supports fact boxes, tables, podcasts, slideshows, pdf links, related articles, inline anchor links, marked text and quotes.

Content is rendered and shown as entered in Naviga Writer.


Article body wrapper looks like this:

<article data-uuid="{{ uuid }}" itemscope itemtype="">
  <div itemprop="articleBody" class="article-body">

Inline styles

Supported inline styles wherever possible in Writer:

  • Strong <strong>

  • Emphasise <em>

  • Highlight <mark>

  • Anchor link <a>

Body elements

Article document format used by Writer is NewsML, a standard xml format. Body text use elements. Elements are rendered in Naviga Web with views/article/element.twig. You could override that in a child theme if you need to.

NewsML element

HTML element




<h1 itemprop="name">

Subheadline Subheadline [1-6]



<p class="ew_body">


<p class="ew_drophead">


<p class="ew_preamble" itemprop="description">

Ordered list


Unordered list


All other elements


Create your own article template

Articles are rendered with single-article.php, override that in your child theme to use own php code or twig.

Last updated