
The first thing to do after activating Everyware is probably to set up the connection to Open Content. After activation, a menu item should appear in the WordPress admin interface named "Open Content". By clicking on it, you get to the main settings for the Everyware-base plugin.

Open Content settings


Open Content

Here you will be able to set connection details such as username, password and base url to your public Open Content API.

Cache time

The time in seconds which JSON data from Open Content should be cached.

Log cache events

Should the cache events be logged or not, only for use in development.

Image service

Details for which image service to use when displaying images in admin interface, such as OC List and Everyboard articles.


Setup a connection to the Open Content Notifier, it will push events to Everyware which will be used for updates of the cached data.

URL settings

You have to set "Permalink Settings" to "Post name" for this to work.


Post slug

Article URL slug, defaults to "article".

Slug properties

Which article properties should make up the postname part of the slug. If first one is missing it will go to second and so on.

Property settings

Allows for mapping of properties, if there are exceptions in property names from Everyware plugin/theme and Open Content.

Environment settings


Use auth

A helper boolean to set if auth is active or not.

Use trashed

A legacy setting that would append Open Content queries to filter out trashed articles.

Use nginx

Is the environment running on nginx.

Debug mode

Boolean for if debug mode should be active or not.


Legacy setting, simple stats for article views.

Environment query

Add a query that will be appended to all queries that are sent to Open Content.

Category property

Select a property that will be used to set the value of the category for the article object in Wordpress.

Hierarchical properties

If articles should use parent and child categories or not, would impact article urls if category is part of the url (

Hide future articles

Whether or not articles with pubdate in the future should be hidden.

Last updated