Writer Bookmarklet

You can quickly open individual articles from the Lavender site in Naviga Writer, with a “bookmarklet”. This is how you set it up in your browser.

1. Create a new bookmark

With Chrome:

Bookmarks > Bookmark manager > … > Add new bookmark


Writer Tryout


javascript:(function () %7Bvar uuids %3D document.querySelectorAll(%27%5Bdata-uuid%5D%27)%3Bif (uuids.length) %7Bvar hostname %3D window.location.hostname%3Bvar target %3D %27https://tryout.dashboard.infomaker.io/app/com.naviga.writer?article=%27%3Bwindow.open(target%2Buuids%5B0%5D.getAttribute(%27data-uuid%27))%3B%7D%7D())%3B

You may replace tryout url to your own environment.

2. Browse an article on any Tryout site

3. Click your bookmarklet, while on the article page

5. Writer with that article opens in a new tab

Last updated