Pages with Board

How Base theme 2 renders Boards

Boards width breakpoints

The theme is responsive, but also has breakpoint support. Since it's built with Bootstrap it also uses its screen width breakpoints.

Bootstrap and Boards breakpoint

Web browser widths

Phone - for mobile phones (xs)

0 - 767 px

Tablet - for iPad and many other tablet (sm)

768 - 991 px

Laptop - for small laptops or part screen browsers (md)

992 - 1199 px

Desktop - for laptops and bigger desktop screens, with full screen browsers (lg)

1200 px

Sections on your page - "Block design"

You can choose to use the Section heading widget to group content on start pages. They are ment to be used as heading for wrapper boards about for example sports, latest news or entertainment. That way different kinds of news will not be mixed.

Dark wrapper board - "Media block"

The theme supports the use of a dark background for rows, to separate some teasers more from the rest of the site. The teasers inside also has a dark design. The user can have any type of content like this, but in this example it is the gallery board.

Last updated