Setup on Linux/Ubuntu

Linux/Ubuntu Development Environment Setup

Special setup when developing in the Linux/Ubuntu platform.

Install tools in terminal

#Node.js Installation
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs
#cURL Installation
sudo apt-get install curl
#Composer Installation
sudo apt install curl php-mbstring git unzip
curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-
dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
#Gulp Installation
sudo apt install gulp
#Docker Installation
sudo apt install docker-compose

#Verify Installation (Linux/Ubuntu)

node –v #for node
curl –version #for curl
composer #for composer
gulp –v #for gulp
docker –version #for docker

Clone Starter Kit Repository in local from bitbucket:

  1. Search the repository in bitbucket and clone it from the bitbucket

  2. Popup will open. Select the option ssh and copy the url from it

  3. Paste this url in the terminal

  4. If you are already an existing customer, then you should use your own repository and checkout in the develop branch, by these commands

cd {repository_name}
git checkout develop

In Starter Kit:

  1. Add .env file in the Starter Kit.

  2. Makefile Configuration (Linux/Ubuntu): Update the Makefile in the Starter Kit to fix IP address retrieval issues. Modify the Makefile by making the following adjustments.

Remove below mentioned line

export MY_IP := $(shell ifconfig | awk '/inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*/ {
print $$2 }' | tail -1)

Add below lines at the same location

ifeq ($(osversion), Linux)
export MY_IP = $(shell ip -4 address | grep 'scope global dynamic' | egrep -
o 'inet [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | cut -d' ' -f2)
export MY_IP := $(shell ifconfig | awk '/inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*/ {
print $$2 }' | tail -1)
$(info $$MY_IP is [${MY_IP}])

Starting the Project:

  1. Set permissions for docker and initiate the docker container.

sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
  1. Install WordPress and Tools: Execute the script for installing WordPress, Composer dependencies, Gulp, and related packages:

./bin/ or make init
  1. Verify Docker Images:

docker ps
  1. Project Start

make start

5. Gulp Start

make gulp watch
  1. Composer Update

make composer update

Updating Host File:

  1. Edit Host File: Open the host file for editing.

sudo nano /etc/hosts
  1. Add Project URLs: Write the following lines at the beginning, replacing existing localhost entries.  localhost site.everywarestarterkit.local
everywarestarterkit.local lavender.everywarestarterkit.local

Note: Remove 'https://' and trailing '' from the project URL.

Common Setup Issues:

To prevent conflicts during the setup, ensure that the following services are stopped before initiating the project:

  1. Nginx Nginx is a web server that may interfere with the Starter Kit. Stop it using the command:

sudo service nginx stop
  1. MySQL MySQL is a popular database that may interfere with the Starter Kit. Stop it using the command:

sudo service mysql stop

Last updated